Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Awkward places to throw

Do you ever notice how some places are just a pain to throw at, or around? For example, this morning on my way to work on the light rail i was throwing a bit. The problem with this is that the train is constantly moving and you have to readjust your footing at every brake and turn and acceleration along the way. A few onlooker look at you and think "This guy is nuts for throwing a yoyo on a train, if he hits me in the head with it im going to beat him up." The other problem is that it's so confined that i can only throw straight sleepers, forget about a breakaway. This leaves me with the problem of being limted to very, very few tricks. I was trying to think of some sleeper tricks, Split the Atom, Mach 5, Plastic Whip, Braintwister...Other then those though for some reason i was at a loss. I'm sure many of you have the same issue at various places you travel to on a regular basis. So i ask you, dear reader, what is the most aggravating place for you to throw, and why?

1 comment:

  1. In line at Tim Horton's... and on the LRT! (other riders don't seem at all impressed...) oh, and waiting for the train on the platform! Are people complete morons? I move to where there are no people, (because I'm throwing a piece of metal on a string at high speed!) and they walk right up to me and stand a foot away.
