Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baby steps : Yoyo making

Okay guys. I have 2 potential investors at this point. Of course we all want to make our own custom yoyo and make a living out of what we love. I for one plan to do everything i can to make it work. I am currently in the very, very early stages of getting the process rolling. I am begining to learn auto cad and am talking with a couple different machinist who are interested in producing a run for me. I have not decided whether the first run will be metal or delrin but i am definitely leaning towards metal. It just has a better profit margin, and i like metals much better then delrin. Although the costs for delrin will be initially lower, in the long run metal is just more profitiable and cost effective in my opinion. My goal is to have a prototype ready by the end of Fall '09. I will be keeping everyone updated on the status of this project.


  1. Cool.

    You've gotta make me a tester.

    (Jake Zavaglia = Aero btw)

  2. I'll do my best :) Thanks for the support
